Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The truth about Kathy O'Beirne

Yesterday I gave notice (based on a report in the Times, of course) that the family of Kathy O'Beirne were about to reveal that her autobiography (Don't Ever Tell in the UK) was less than accurate.

Today the Times has a fuller report of the press conference held in Dublin by the O'Beirne family. Seven of Kathy's brothers and sisters turned up to give a fairly comprehensive demolition of virtually all of Kathy's horror stories.

In the book, O’Beirne says that she suffered abuse during nearly 14 years spent in Magdalene laundries — institutions for 'fallen women' run by religious orders. Mary O’Beirne said: 'Our sister was not in a Magdalene laundry, or Magdalene home; she was in St Anne’s children’s home, Kilmacud, St Loman’s psychiatric hospital, Mountjoy prison and Sherrard House for homeless people. Our parents placed her in St Anne’s for a brief period when she was 11 because of ongoing behavioural difficulties.' She spent six weeks there.

She added that between 1968 and 1970, when O’Beirne claims to have suffered the worst of the abuse, she was in fact staying with them....

'Our sister, to our knowledge, was not raped by two priests, and did not receive an out-of-court settlement for the same. There is not a shred of evidence to support such outlandish claims.'

Kathy O'Beirne, apparently, 'has a self-admitted psychiatric and criminal history, and her perception of reality has always been flawed.'

The family are not over-impressed with the behaviour of the book's publishers (Mainstream). And certainly you would think that ordinary professional caution -- especially in view of recent events -- might have prompted the publisher to carry out some checks.

On that issue the publisher provides no details, though the Times quotes Mainstream as saying that it had taken steps prior to the publication of Don't Ever Tell and was satisfied that the memoir was appropriate for publication.

Before long they might be forced to be a little more forthcoming than that. Meanwhile, as of when this post was written, the book is still featured on the Mainstream web site. And they quote the following from She magazine: 'Her story is so horrific, it's almost unbelievable.'


Anonymous said...

"Appropriate for publication" what a luvverly choice of words.

Anonymous said...

Merely reading the first page or two that's on-line should have made a publisher wonder how true the madman father was. With six kids he was a busy man indeed in the torture department, beating them with belt buckles, jamming their hands in boiling grease and slamming their fingers in the doors.

Great stuff. I guess this is how one gets past the slushpile readers. And no doubt she'll just claim the others are still repressing their repressed memories.

Flo: said...

AS someone directly involved in the raging controversy over the book, 'Kathy's Story', and it's spin off 'Don't Ever Tell', I can state quite catagoricaly, the publishers Mainstream, and Michael Sherridan, the co author have not carried out the stringint checks that a book of this serious nature would have required.
When it became known that Kathleen was claiming to be in an Irish magdalene laundry, all four religious orders that ran the laundries hired a professional archivist to search their records, a search so intense, it would have been discovered if she even spent one day there, there was no sign of her. Not only that, but women who worked in the laundry she was claiming to be in( not in the book, but in subsequent interviews), came forward to say her description of the laundry was totally inaccurate.
She refuses to produce any documentation of proof, no birth or death cert for the child she alleges she had as a result of rape, no documentation for the laundry, in fact, no documentary evidence whatsoever, except for the childrens home in Kilmacud where she was for 11 weeks.

The family can't sue as she's named none of them as being abused, the religious congregation because again, she's named none of them as abusers. And now,there's apparently yet another book in the planning stage, and unless anyone is named, legally nothing can be done to stop it.

Anonymous said...

I cannot Believe that people think kathy is lieing about her terrible past. I think she has great courage to tell her horrendous story and people who are involved in these laundries and catholic schools should be ashamed. My heart goes out for Kathy. And i am glad she is trying to make something of what is left of her life.

Anonymous said...

after reading Kathy's story: don't ever tell. i feel i agree strongly with the opinions of several others. for one the main one being that i think that her story is 100% true. Just who are these people claiming that she is a liar? If there has been absolutely no evidence to support her claims how has she ever had her rather tortured and painful past made into a true life category story. i believe this woman who has been so mentally and physically torured has the right to speak out and shame her betrayers, the people she should've been able to trust. The woman is a true heroine to me and i wish her all the best in trying to find the answers she has been waiting all of her life for...if you ask me then i have reason to suggest that the people opposing her "supposed lies" are people who are still trying to make people have the belief that the catholic church is unfallable.

Anonymous said...

lets face it... there has been many cover-ups in the history of religion. not only catholicism but also christianity and many others...whats to say that this is another big scam that religious leaders don't want to admit to as it will affect their power. it won't be the first time dedicated followers will have tried to hush up the past. abuse by religious people is so common it's just like eating a meal. all the best to kathy and a big reversed v sign to the more people trying to continue her misery and personal heartache

Flo: said...

Can anyone understand how horrific it is to have been abused, and to see someone else use your story?.
Can anyone understand how horrific it is to have a father accused worldwide of abuse, without ever being given the chance to defend themselves?.
The point of the campaign against the book 'Kathy's Story, is not only did the publishers obtain no verifiable evidence, but Kathy herself has continually said she has the documents to prove her story, yet the co author Michael Sherridan admitted in a Sunday Times article 'there are no documents, there never was'.
A small but very significant point on the fathers abuse - she maintains the father held her hand in boiling oil - yet she has no scaring whatsoever on her hands. A burn of that severity should have produced contractual deformaties at the very least.

It's now emerged that she was in primary school until she was 14. The school role book for the year shows her attending school 142 days out of the obligatory 183. Women who were in the laundries at the time say her descriptions are completly wrong.
to see the 'real' Kathy's Story'.
To dismiss the voice of those who deny her allegations as 'denial' or 'religious fanatics' is ridiculous. This must be examined using cold hard facts, not outragious and ill informed speculation.

Anonymous said...

As a confirmed atheist and someone who has little respect for the organised religion, particularly the Catholic Church, it is quite odd for me to come down on the side of Irish nuns. While I have only skimmed the book and cannot comment in depth on the contents it pains me to think that thousands of people who have a taste for this current fashion childhood horror stories could be taken in by such trash.
I do believe in conspiracy theories and I think that the Papacy is up to its necks in much more damning stories than this. But surely if Kathy O’Beirne is to be believed she has to offer evidence. The whole point of a conspiracy is that evidence is offered to support a case against the accused. O’Beirne offers none. Until she can provide at least one witness this book remains a shameless attempt to cash in on an unhealthy fashion for poor-little-me and haven’t-I-done-well-in-spite-of-everything books.
I not sure what readers get from indulging themselves in such stories, but its clear the authors get a degree of cathartism and a great deal of cash. I can’t help feeling O’Beirne is in pursuit of the latter

Anonymous said...

As coming from a Irish/Scottish background i believe her story.My father was in a similar place for boys and he told of the beatings he took as a boy (Belonging to the church)It certainly left a scar on him and ourselves as a family we were beaten and kicked from my father, as young as we can remember,and when he died last year on his hospital bed the last words he ever said to us all was that he was sorry for all the pain and suffering he had caused......I wished for my father to die every day but when he said that i forgave him and everything that he had done was ok..not forgotten but just ok.So i can relate to her story and believe what she has wrote is the truth.

Anonymous said...

i have just finished reading don't ever tell and was deeply touched after been abused by my own father and spending time in a childrens home even though it was nothing like the magdalene laundries kathy talks about which must of been unbareable i cannot help but think back to my own past. it is completely proposturouse that peopla have accused kathy of lieing you would have to have a heart of stone to lie about something like that and from reading this book she certainly has not.

Anonymous said...

wat a sad story and to think some people still want to cover up about the church, they are the biggest bunch of pedofiles that have ever walked the earth

Flo: said...

This just goes to show hiow people can blind themselves to the truth, or even the possibility of another truth, by living their lives on baseless convictions.
All, here that have argued for the book have done so for various reasons of their own.
Their convictions have blinded them to the fact, Ms O'Beirne is on the school role book, up until she was almost 14....all of the years she claims she was in the hospitals, laundries etc.
The fact that she stated publicly she had the documents, as did her co writer Michael Sherridan, then admitted thet didn't is a mot point.
Does this teach anyone a lesson in judgement?...if not, how sad!.
Doubt, is a being that lurks beneath our tutonic plate of conviction
It would benifit all of us to allow it expression every now and then, allowing us to revisit our present and question ourselves (far kinder to our true being surely).

Anonymous said...

In the 50's - 80's many homes or institutions destroyed any documentry evidence of children in their care and made files unobtainable. It was common practice in that era and most homes were not subject to being monitored especially if they were privatly run. This was part of a government/churches failure and not a failure of the children abused.
Those trying to discredit child abuse memoirs fail to realise the good they in fact do long term. If a misery memoir wasnt published then child abuse would still be the taboo subject it always was back in that era and that stance is exactly what had children abused in the first place. It is because of these authors highlighting child abuse that the readers can learn how ugly child abuse is. It makes readers aware of the ugly truth behind child abuse. It also helps prevent it happening to someone else.

Flo: said...

A 'child abuse memoir', if it is true, of course serves the very real need to highlight child abuse. However, to form an arguement on baseless facts helps no one, especially those abused.

This woman, Kathy O'Beirne has vilified her fathers name worldwide, she has taken all of the worst abuse stories imaginable, and claimed them as her own.

The plain truth of Kathy O'Beirnes' life is not a life of abuse and sorrow, but of mitching from school, shoplifting, bullying her siblings, and at 14, going to live in a shelter for the homeless in Dublin as her parents couldn't handle her.

Her school records, being in Scoil Mhuiore til 12 and a half speak for themselves.

Are some people so sick, they'd rather believe or support a hoax abuse memoir than insist on the truth.

And by the way, the person who said the institutions destroyed records from the 50's to the 80's.
Besides the fact there's no evidence offered to support this claim, if that were the case, most people could not make a successful claim in the Redress Board (Irish State compensation scheme).
Exactly where did this claim come it another of those 'everyone says so, so it must be true'.

How sad!.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to Kathy and all that have suffered in this cruel world!

s dunne said...

i dont think that is fair to say because people believe her story that people are sad, they will make up their own minds.. we believe things because they have happened and have been covered up in the past, and the guilty often protest, she has hit a nerve with people who have been through the same torment. you are writing something and suggesting we believe you, which is exactly what kathy o'beirne is doing

s dunne said...

and i also have to add what tammy said is true, i know of a few institutions that have a so called " fire" in the office, when they are about to be investigated for sexual and physical abuse.. as and the service users have had to be moved miles away from where it there will not be any proof as oops just a small fire

gemma said...

i have just finished reading the horror story that is kathy o'beirne's life. i have read many other story's of abuse and neglect but this was absolutely without a doubt one of the worst ones i have read. as if life hasn't already thrown everything at this exceptionally brave woman, she makes the choice to tell her story and have it published only (as there always is) to have certain people totally doubting her. why, and of course, how, could or would anybody, make up such a story as 'don't ever tell'?. why is it 'sad' to read this womans tragic story and believe it? how could it not be believable? you always get a few don't you. this is why the real 'sad' fact of it is, not enough gets done to protect people like kathy o'beirne. the non-believers.

Anonymous said...

I have just finished reading Kathy's horrific story. I am completely appalled at the lack of support she has recieved from ignorant people who merely view the world as black and white.

Obviously the family is going to be disgusted at her claims, but is this because they are false or because they have been voiced.

As a counselling psychologist i fully believe Kathy's story as her feelings and emotions identify closely with others suffering abuse.

Records and documents are destroyed all the time particularly when something is needed to be covered up. Nuns and priests are still human and are therefore capable of carrying out the crimes alledged. They just mask them by being "servents to god".

Yes a lot of the stories are unimaginable to the average person with no experience of what happened to her. That does not make them false it just means we are lucky that they cannot even enter our mindspace. Kathy was not as lucky. The world is not black and white.

Maybe she feels that by providing documents she is admitting defeat as people should believe her from purely her feelings and emotions she should not have to justify herself.

Sometimes life is deeper than just cold hard facts.

Kathy you are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

i am 16 and have read this story for a personal study in class. i found this story interestin and disturbing! i dont believe she is lying as i dont think u could possibly make somethin like that up. i think people should be offering kathy support instead of making out she is lying! i think its great you are telling your story. it is ery obvious that it is hard for people to believe the horrible things that have happened to you! well done on getting your life together i think your amazing well done

Anonymous said...

How is Kathy supposed to produce evidence to back up her story? Are we to expect her to produce reports or letters from the nuns? Are we to think such docs would have been given to her? How is she supposed to trace her fellow inmates when they were all given false names? Good luck to Kathy I say. Rob

Anonymous said...

Another point about evidence. If the nuns had no record of the 22 additional bodies buried on their property why should we accept that their record keeping of live inmates was any better? Rob

Anonymous said...

i'v just finished reading this book, and it makes me sick that nobody helped kathy,and i think they should all rot in hell for what they did,and they call thier selves nuns and priests! kathy and all her friends are so brave, her father was to blame as he should of protected her. every one should be so proud of her. i want wish her all the best, and at the end of the day she knows the truth, who cares what everyone else thinks. GOOD LUCK KATHY!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have just finished the book 'don't ever tell' and am in awe of Kathy. She deserves answers and those in her past should be made accountable for their actions. Nuns and priests are people who hide behind God and hope he will protect them, he won't but s usual the church will. Keep up the good fight Kathy and one day you to will be free like Liz

Anonymous said...

how the hell can people think she is lieing... why would someone lie about things like this??

she has my full support, and I cannot believe after all these years of abuse she has suffered she is still getting abuse thrown at her from people like you..

i wish her all the best for the future and hope that she wins the campaigns she is working towards

for everyone who doesnt believe her, i think you should be very ashamed, i think if you had ever suffered abuse like she did then you would have a very different oppinion

as for her family saying she was somewhere totally different they were just probably told that is where she was by their father while poor kathy slaved away in the laundry

Natalie Scott said...

My heart went out to Kathy and all the other people that went through the same expierences as her. It saddens me to read some people's comments and who thik that she is a liar only to cover up the church. Just who do the nuns and priests think they were atreating people like that what ever there circumstances were at the time they are there to serve god and the community not to treat people in the way they did so

Anonymous said...

ive also just finished reading kathy o beirne's don't ever tell and i can honestly say i cried.. maybe because ive suffered at the hands of an abuser but have never had the courage to do what she has done.. and to think that the leaders of our country could respond the way they did it would make you so angry.. fair play to you Kathy.. you have my smypathys..

Anonymous said...

i have never ever felt so sorry for anyone in my entire life, to be honest i used to feel sorry for myself because my own uncles used to abuse me, thankfully they never went as far as raping me but believe me i would hide in the coat closet when they used to come around my parents, all innocent and caring, i was so scared when they asked to see me and one of them always used to request a head massage i just could'nt believe that he would get a kick from a single touch and would try and kiss me full on, i still remember the smell and taste, i dont want to go in too much detail but believe me its painfull and embarrasing, if your own uncles can abuse their niece at the age of 8 then what and who are these so called priests? dont forget they are humans at the end of the day!
hats off to kathy, shes a true insriration!

Anonymous said...

i have just done some research on the net and i found a news report on the magdalen laundries in ireland, the website took me a report from august 3 2003 about mary norris and josephine mccarthy who talk about their hard labour of slaving in one of the laundries for three years and how they got there, the website is but i think the best thing to do is what i did go to google and type magdalen laundries and this website will definately be there if not i can always email it to those peole who want proof about kathy's story because this opened my eyes, im with you kathy!

Anonymous said...

I have just read the book and must admit, it moved my very deeply. However, in the light of dispute over wheather this story is true or not, we have to base on facts and evidence. There is no other way for Kathy to prove her testimony but coming foreward with sufficient and substancial evidence. It is quite suspicious that her family is distancing from backing Kathy.On the contrary they say her story is untrue. Regardless of whether her story is true or not, abuse in church was present - no doubt about that.

Anonymous said...

to the person who left a coment before me, "are you stupid" how on earth can she give evedence when she has none to give, how could she get it? the nuns ect will only deney it and will certinly not give evedence, and besides the evedence is gone aparentley. she dosent even know the girls real names from the magdalen launry. even kathy got given a diffrent name, so the girls cant speek up, because they dont know its her.
why are people still covering up for these molesters, peodiphills and bullys ect. no one would ever lie up somthink like that. im with you on this one kathy

lindsay said...

I have just finished reading Kathy's story and it is an horrific tale of childhood, as she say's in the book a child is an innocent being.
Her family aren't going to come out and say that they stood by and let her father beat her black and blue.
They are obviously ashamed of themselves and so they should be.

I cannot believe that anyone would lie about being treated so badly at the hands of any adults who are placed there to look after a child be that there parents or a 'kind and caring' religious figure.

She is a brave person who not only wants justice for herself but every other person who suffered in those the same fate as her.

Anonymous said...

I have just finished reading Kathys Story and I cant put into words how shocked I feel. How could anyone put another human being through this torture. I can only say ; Kathy if all you say is true then you are a very courageous woman and although I am not of catholic religion, you are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

The only thing i cannot understand is that she mentions very little about her daughter. Why is that? What happened to Annie when Kathy left the home at 18? It doesn't mention what happened to Annie between the age of around 4 and 10. I would like to know what happened between that time. Also Kathy keeps mentioning that she's fighting for herself, her mother and her friends, but never mentions fighting for her daughter. This confuses me, her daughter, you'd think, would still be the most important thing, and you'd think she'd be forever trying to find out where she was buried at least. How could any mother rest without knowing where their daughter was buried!!

Anonymous said...

people are saying that Kathy has made up this story, but have you every thought for one second that this story could be true. and you people saying shes a liar has just destroyed her life all over again, as the nuns did not believe her about the abuse. maybe you do not believe this book, however it could all be true. i feel strongly on these subjects as i was abused, you have no idea how much it scares me to think that if i was as brave as this to tell my story people would not believe me. Kathy would not be stupid enough to write a book that was untrue when records could be chased. you all need to stop thinking of your seleves and think of others for a change. people still go through abuse today. what if it happends you you, or your children, or you friend or your friends children. if they came and told you tomorrow they had been rapped, would you believe them?..yes i thought you would

Anonymous said...

oh and another thing, you say kathy is lying, but how do we know your not lying about there being no evidence ey?

josie said...

just finished reading kathys book and was absolutely stunned by some of the abuse she had to go through, but as stunned as when i read some of the comments on this page no wonder that little girl who was so viciously raped and abuse was afraid to come forward and say anything all these years on and a grown woman people are still doubting her! What a brave courageous and very special person she is if only there were'nt so many cruel people in the world this woman could have had the childhood and life that you doubters took for granted

Anonymous said...

I have also just finished the DOnt Ever Tell! my only comment is
When i was 16yrs old i worked in a private hospital which was ran by nuns and trust me they are EVIL!!!
i am now 42yrs old and i hope that Kathy's spirit never fails her and she is able to close this nightmare and find some peace even just a little!! xxxxx good luck to you my friendxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I think the lot of you are all liers yourselves. I think Kathy is telling the truth!! After reading the book myself I am sure it is all true, who could make it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the person who wrote that text above the page saying that her sister, Mary O'beirne had claimed that she had not been in a magdalene laudry, for 1 she DID NOT have any sisters as she states and two why would she lie about the whole thing? For attention i don't think so why would she put herself through that much pain after all the suffering just for a bit of attention from the press? You need to check your facts before you go putting things like that accusing her of lieing about something that would effect the law? You lot need your heads testing! In the books it qoutes from a chapter 'if your worth nothing in life, your worth even less in death.' Well now you people need to be looking up to her, she has been through more than over half the world ever will.(not saying that other people haven't been through worse or the same thing)!

Anonymous said...

I finished the book 'Kathys Story' about twenty minutes ago. It moved me to read a story so harrowing and almost unbelievable.
Of course there are questions raised from reading as to why people did not do more to help Kathy and the many unfortunate souls trapped in a life like hers. I have no wish to say that the book is factual or fictional, only to say that it is a moving and raw detailed account of life in institutions in Ireland at that time. Obviously, not every nun or priest or care worker can be deemed as bad as some but setting that aside there has been enough documented evidence to suggest that this abusive behaviour was in fact occurring and is not the made up story of someone. Abuse so horrific as this could not be made up.
I wish Kathy well in her remaining life. I wish her peace. I hope that one day she may live with a peaceful heart and mind and that the demons of her past may be finally laid to rest. Happiness should belong to everyone.....

Anonymous said...

i think its dicusting how people you call family can do something like this to you kathy is truely insparational and i take my hat off to her for everything she has had to put up with in her life god bless

Anonymous said...

i have just finished reading kathys story, and i would like to say what a truly brave and inspirational woman she is. everyone knows that some(not all) members of the church are well known for child abuse, and of course they will try to cover it up. it makes me mad that these sickos have got away with this abuse for so long , but of course they are members of the church, and they can do no wrong. my mother was brought up a strict catholic, and shes told me on many occassions just how evil nuns and priests can is also terrible how this abuse of kathy went on for so long, and nothing was done about it. i mean fancy giving electric shock treatment to anybody let alone a small is just disgusting and appalling how this was allowed to go on for so long. dont forget in those days children "were seen and not heard " where as nowadays (and very rightly so) children have got rights . its just a shame that kathy never had rights then , as she wouldnt have suffered this terrible abuse, and she would have got the support and help that she so rightly deserved.

Anonymous said...

I have just read Kathys story, very sad, why would she lie, things in the past have allways been covered up,abuse phyical and mentally, i work within the mental health and to this day its still taboo, no one wants to know,.

Anonymous said...

i am 13 and i read this story it was so upsetting why would she lie about such things and make it sound so real what upset me was the part about her brother not doing anything about this all he did was let her stay there he shown no emotion i would love to strangle her father from what went on and magdalen laundries must have been an excrutiating pain for her and losing a child is bad enough.!

Anonymous said...

I finished reading don't ever tell last night and I was compelled to go on to find out more about it. I was shocked to see that some believed Kathy was lying but I can understand why. Yes, Kathy isn't a good writer and the narrative is sketchy and details are confusing, but, to me this is explained by the appalling lack of education she received as a child. I also believe that the details are sketchy because, and think about this, if it is true, how easy would it be to write down an experience like this if it happened to you? Especially years later when you have spent your whole life trying to forget every detail of what happened. Yes, there are holes in her story but I think that this proves it more. It would be difficult for anyone over the age of thirty to give a detailed account of their childhood, especially with no evidence or witnesses forthcoming to back you up. No one can write without putting their personality into their words and when I read Kathy's story, I got the impression of an adult woman who has done everything she can to seperate herself from the child she was. If the story was a fabrication, I believe there would have been a lot more detail around the abuse that an adult mind would have been able to add, but to me it was written as if by the child herself, with innocence despite what was going on around her.
If it is all untrue then what would she have to gain from telling this story? Money? yes but also the stigma of being an abuse victim. Media attention? but also villification from her family. She would have to be a seriously mixed up individual to stand up with a story like this if it was untrue and have many psychiactric problems that would probably been diagnosed by now, especially given the time she spent in mental institutions.
As for the other doubters, so there's no evidence, there's no evidence for the bible either but millions believe that to be true. All the evidence would have to be supplied by the abusers in this case, so surprise surprise, its vanished. Many other people with similar stories have come forward citing a system designed to hide what is done from the outside world. Losing documents, changing childrens names. Also do you think a fourteen year old would have been given a birth cirtificate for a child born from a rape allowed to happen by people supposed to be caring for children? No, if a certificate was made it was probably purposely destroyed at the time by people who knew what they were doing was wrong. Those involved in the abuse, the church and the government have every reason to prevent evidence of this coming to light.
I think that the reason this story is not believed is because its always easier to think of evil things happening far away, in other countries and not on your own doorstep. But if there is even a 1 per cent chance this woman's story is true and you have accused her of lying, you have added insult to the worst of injuries any child, woman or person could suffer.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there are people saying that kathy is attempting to do the "poor little me act". I am outraged, why would anyone lie about a horrific background like that. By saying those things, you are denying that those cruel things ever happened to her and for someone to read that would be heartbreaking. Kathy must be so hurt. Even if some things were untrue, it is still obvious that she has endured many forms of abuse and that should be enough. If i could help her now, i would!

judithpa said...

this is a very tricky subject indeed. i have just read the book and was very upset by it. i did question a few things in my mind....firstly she never mentions any abuse to her this because she feels it is not her place and that they have the choice to tell their own stories if they so wish? or is it because she was the only child in that family to be abused...if this is the case then why was she singled out? as for proof....surely there is evidence available from doctors who treated her breaks and bruises? My grandmother was an illegitimate child in Ireland and was left in a basket to perish only to be saved by a relative and raised until her teens. she was then sent to live with her birth mother and step father plus other siblings...the siblings never found out she was their sister until some 40 or so years later as she lived with the family as the house keeper/maid. it would be naive to think these horrific things do not go on. the 'church' in wot ever form, has been know for cover ups and corruption for centuries. Wot i would like to say is Kathy's story itself true or false it is probable such despicable things did happen to many. If Kathy's story brings matters of such nature to the attention of the public then it can only do good and make people vigilant against abuse of any nature. Some of my grandmothers family will still cover up/smooth over the truth to save their shame. maybe Kathy's family feel they cant admit wot happened to her as they feel guilt for not doing more to intervene? AS children at the time i feel, if this is the case, their have nothing to feel guilt about when being faced with such fear. i agree i felt that Kathy's mother was equally to blame, however Kathy, after such abuse, would need a good light to move towards and she obviously chose that light to be her mother. her story, true or false was indeed moving and i have no doubt that had it not happened to her, it will have happened to many. Many similar books and films are depicted as ficton yet are in the most part based on real life experiences and they still educate us. why should this book me any different? IMHO

Anonymous said...

Have read Kathy's Story twice now, this is the first I have heard of any disbelief in her story. I shouldn't be shocked. I was abused as a child by a family member which is currently in our legal system. I have been disowned by my parents and many of my siblings and told it is lies. I have lost so much since speaking out that I don't know why anyone would do it unless it was true. I also spent time in a psychiatric hospital which has given the disbelieves another reason to call me crazy and say I made it up. If people don't speak out child abuse will never end.

Anonymous said...

There were no checks done to verify this story and thats all it is - a story!! She was never even in the magdalen laundries - does that not alone prove the obvious state of her mind. Obviously anyone can write about anything these days without any checks being imposed. Her own family - and it is a large family - do not believe her. It is very sad that peoples lives can be ruined due to someone so disturbed being allowed to write this book...

Anonymous said...

i would just like to say that i have been abused in the past and no-one believed me not even my own mother so i'm not surpriesd ppl wont stand by her. i was 8 when i was taken from my mum and put in care the workers told me and my sister that if we tried to make contact with her we would never see her again. also while we were there one of the workers snuck into my sisters room late at night, as to what he tried to do i'll leave to your own imagination. when i was abused i felt so alone and that no-one would want me i felt constantly dirty and tried suicide on many occasions. kathy i kno what your going through and to all those cold hearted dickless people out there get a life if u dont want to believe it DONT FUCKING READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Anonymous said...

i would also like to say to 'honora' what right do you have to say if someone is lying or not you dont know the persopn you were never there with them and yes there might be no evidence but i have none either does that make me a lier?

Anonymous said...

I just finished Kathy's book. I am appalled that anyone would think that she is making this up. She is being abused all over again. I was abused as a child. I had two siblings who were not abused. I can not explain why one child is abused in a family while others are not, BUT it does occur. It happened to me. I applaud Kathy for her courage. And shame on those of you who doubt her authenticity!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the majority of posts in favour of the book and its various aligations contain the most awful spelling and grammar mistakes? It really doesn't lend weight to your emotional outbursts.

Anonymous said...

I have read 'Dont ever tell' the astonishing book on Kathy's stolen childhood. I think it is sad to think that anyone could think she is making this up. My stomach turns on the thought of going through the slightest bit of abuse she went through and you sick bastards are claiming she made this up. If you actually read the book you would know that every bit of abuse she describes is in full detail and i dont believe anyone who would make this up could describe it the way she did. Of course people will say she lied, they are probly the sick bastards who made her life hell. I believe Kathy is a fantastic person for being able to write this book and anyone who says any different is just pathetic in my eyes and probly in others too!

Amanda said...

After reading the Kathy O'Beirne Story: "Don't Ever Tell", it made me think and after looking at the facts she gave us about her horiffic past i decided that some of what she was telling us wasn't adding up. Such as if she had so many brothers and sisters, why did none of them help?, and various other things. One that did stick out in my mind was when she had her baby Annie. After talking about her child in the book for many pages she finishes saying "But I'll save that for another time" (or atleast something to that effect) and it makes me wonder if she is infact making-up this story to make money, because be saying that she is implying that she is going to write another book purley about her 10 year old child. This is why i can understand the controvercy about the book.
Sadly i missed the programme on television the other night and didnt get to hear her brothers and sisters point of view.

Although i find this a well written book, i don't believe it to be true, and it makes me think why anybody would want to make up a childhood as horrific as that.

Anonymous said...

well for all of you people or should i say supporters!!!!!! what did you think of kathy o beirne's failer to do a lie detector on channel four when given 4 opportunites????? her family took it and passed with flying colours, does this alone not tell you that she could have not passed as only one person could pass it and it wasnt her!!!!! so the family who have constantly stuck to there guns and told the truth have been honoured of clearly the family name they were telling the truth all alone

Anonymous said...

i have to say that after watching kathy o beirnes story on channel four that it has confirmed to myself that her story was nothing but fiction as she refused to take part in the end of the filming, and it is concrete eveidence to the nation that she is a liar !!!!
how could someone make up such a horrific account of there childhood and brand there father such a monster!!!!! she needs help

Anonymous said...

LIAR !!! LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why dont all of you negative unabused people just shut the hell up and make no comment at all??
Dont you all see it is a big conspiracy to keep her story from getting out? how many paedophiles has the Goddam catholic church pushed from one parish to another, from one child to another??My father was with the christian brothers and battered every day, he is now a hopeless, raging alcoholic, unable to show love or feeling, I was abused from the age of four by an animal who called himself a family friend, but they didnt believe me and even now that they do, they dont try to help me, and for the record HONORA (not a very fitting name for you)my brother came home drunk one night and fell into the fire, his hand lay on the hot red cinders for so long that we only noticed when we smelled the burning flesh, apart from decreased sensation in his hand there is no scarring. Anyway if her story werent true then dont you think she would be sued by bertie and the president and the archbishop that she personally named in her book, who ignored her. If you want another example of injustice look at the Shortt family in donegal, the father jailed for a crime he never commited, for the betterment of the Gards, and how long did it take for an apology from the state??It had to be dragged out of them. Ireland is CORRUPT, the people are corrupt, they let their children be raped and tortured all the while turning a blind eye, it is the people that have to stand up and take notice because for sure the damned government doesnt care. I feel personally for Kathy, I think she has tremendous courage n if you are reading this Kathy, well done, you are a fantastic human being and you have a place in Heaven.

Anonymous said...

I went to loreto convent where the nuns told me I was the devils spawn because my breasts wre very large and I used tampax, one of the nuns used to like to touch me too, telling me what a lovely young lady I was turning out to be!
Now put that in yer pipes and smoke it!!

Anonymous said...

so do all you doubters think its ok then to have the word 'PENITENT' written on the mass grave in glasnevin? Kathy was right to are worth nothing in life and even less in death... No one cares about those remains dumped into Glasnevin, the same as no one cares about the 'maggies' rotting in state mental homes, then you have the nerve to doubt Kathy who really does care, shame on you all, you are the real PENITENTS..

Anonymous said...


I have just finished reading kathy obriens book dont ever tell I used my own judgement on this and I am quite positive the details revealed in this book about the catholic priests to be of a truthful nature as I know of others who should have become priests but were subjected to harrowing events involving priests and unto this day have turned there backs on religion of all kinds which is to deeply sad due to this keep going kathy and please beleive this "THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL"

Anonymous said...

People always try to dig out the dirt on people. I believe Kathy 100% especially about her horrible rapes. Someone cannot say those things she said UNLESS you have experienced it, I myself have been sexually abused. I felt like she had taken my thoughts and my life and written it in her book. So to call her a liar is ridiculous. and in regards to the Magdalen laundries.... everyone tries to cover up the horrible truth about the Catholic churches everyone knows its a fact, most wont admit it. I believe Kathy! reading her book has helped me get over my own denial about sexual abuse in my life. I say good on Kathy for having the courage to not let these terrible people win!

Anonymous said...

What exactly is wrong with society? I'm fifteen years old and have read many abuse novels. How dare anyboday ever even doubt Kathy. This poor lady has the courage to share her horrific story and society just throws it back in her face. These people claiming that it's all lie's make me sick. Put yourself in her position. How would you feel if you, after many many years of abuse, decided to write a book only to find people bagging it?

Whoever this "Honora" Lady is, she need's to shutup. All i think when i read her comments and blogs is that she's only trying to make a name for herself. What a horrible way to do it lady.

My heart goes out to Kathy and to all those who support her.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with the person who left that comment above mine, i will not deny your claim about this Honora and her name making scheme!!!!
If thats her way of getting some where in life by screwing with people who have been greatly abused all their life and if it gives Honora a kick then she is a fucking low life!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those of you that admire Kathy & her strength should not be deemed somehow stupid & gullible for doing so. People who read these books should not be judged 'slushpile' readers - these books offer solace to many people who have lived through hell themselves & can finally feel some connection to others who may have shared similarly horrific lives. It isn't so surprising that Kathy's memories from that time are not totally clear or without some contradictions - many of us do likewise when relaying our experiences even when fairly recent & that's without having been given mind altering drugs,ECT, & years of trying to block out extreme trauma. For as many people who share their memories there are MANY MORE who keep their terrible secrets hidden, for fear of not being believed or just the horror of having to relive those experiences.
My hat goes off & my heart goes out to anyone who can make us confront the horror that is childhood abuse & neglect & if that takes the form of an absolutely historically verifiable document, a tragic account of one persons life or even a work of fiction based on facts & real life accounts is that such a bad thing?
To me one of the saddest aspects of Kathy's story is that much of the abuse was carried out by the very people who should have been helping - as is often the case the people with the greatest positions of trust are often the ones who abuse it the most - and you don't have to look too far to have that fact verified!! Child abuse happens - it happens more than we will ever know & its often perpetrated by the last people we want to believe would do such a thing.

Anonymous said...

honora it seems to me that your protesting against this brave and integral woman is maybe a disguise,are you riddled with guilt?? to defend an institution thats blood is black and toxic an institution that has forever been covering its tracks to hide its disgusting and demonic unholy ways makes me wonder???? why you are so determined to keep torturing this woman???? you are asking for evidence,WHERE IS YOURS???? sexual abuse is forever being swept under the carpet even in todays society it is still something that is being silenced and its people like you who are making dam sure that silence is never broken, people like you that allow others to be forced to live with a constant pain and suffering a fear of trust and a constant lack of selfconfidence, Because you try to silence this brutal and unrelenting abuse you are just as responsible for the crimes committed on so so so many of us, we are afraid to speak up for fear of being killed, of being taken from our homes, of being rejected, THAT NO ONE WILL BELIEVE US and here you are doubting this woman her every cry for help her every cry for some kind of understanding as to why??? you say she is using your story but this story belongs to so many people,do you realise how that father would have lied to the other children to protect himself, obviously he told them some real tall tales because when she went back they did not give her the time of day, and if and i say IF she ever did bully her siblings and schoolmates then obviously there was some kind of abuse going on because a child does not act up without reason. To close i just hope you have a good think about your motives and what you are really trying to protect, and to all the other readers SPEAK UP beautiful people SPEAK OUT against sexual abuse, about sexual coercion, about the child sex trade, the pornography industry, the stripping industry, they are all responsible for the constant flow of sexual perpetrators that walk this land, if you get a chance read NOT FOR SALE by Christine Stark and Rebecca Whisnat, NO MORE OPPRESSION,NO MORE REPRESSION,NO MORE

Trisha said...


Anonymous said...

Whether Kathy's story is true or not - and it certainly tallies with what we know of treatment of women and children in the Irish industrial schools and Magdalene laundries - I am so fed up with the "get over it" mentality of those who sneeringly refer to accounts of personal horror as "misery memoirs." People have the right to tell the truth about their lives, and what they do serves an important function. We realize how lucky we are; we become aware of cruelty that needs to be fought, and in some cases find commonality and healing for ourselves. To the mocker who wrote the sneering little "poor-little-me-haven't-I-done-well-despite-the odds" piece of drollery, YOU go through half of what some people have endured, and then have YOUR face laughed in. It's very arrogant to discount abuse just because you can't relate to it. Rotten, bizarre things happen to kids every day, leaving people scarred but still able - no thanks to people like you - to fight back somehow. That they want to share it with others is to their credit. Do you think that everything has to be about sunshine and flowers and bells and whistles so that people like you don't get peeved? Poor little you, it must be so irritating and upsetting that people dare to speak of broken bones and childhood torture and rape.

Rgarding Kathy's siblings: They could be right. But I do know that it is extremely common in families where abuse has taken place, for siblings to align themselves against the one who speaks about the abuse, and brand the rogue sibling who won't uphold the silence as "crazy." Thanks, but "sad" or not, I'll give Kathy the benefit of the doubt. I don't say that a little healthy skepticism is a bad thing. But the church does have a lot to answer for; that's a fact, and corners of it are no doubt laughing their backsides off at the fact that victims still aren't believed.

The Knitter said...

Author Of "Don't Ever Tell" - Kathy O Beirne


Kathy O Beirne is here to tell us about how she has finally been vindicated about her life and the abuse she has encountered over the years in institutions and industrial schools in Ireland. She even went as far as taking a lie detector test to prove to all that doubted her.

Anonymous said...

Even if it didn't really happen to Kathy, it happened to hundreds of other innocent girls.

Thanks to Kathy for highlighting this.

Anonymous said...

it's a shame to think that there are so many people out there who don't believe kathy's story. even if it wasn't entirely true, there must be a reason why someone would write a book like that. even if it didn't all happen to her i'm sure it happened to many others and their stories may have been included in her book. but it just goes to show that so many people still don't want to know and turn away. and even if a child is only beaten once or raped once in her lifetime, it is one time too many. something like that should never happen. and especially those who don't believe the story, maybe it should be read to open up their eyes. the question whether the book is entirely true or not is not that important. what is more important is the fact that evil like that does still exist today.

Anonymous said...

She certainly suckered plenty of people. 350,000 copies? Nice little earner. I can see why she made this up now.

Anonymous said...

Our minds psychologically make us believe this canot be true it is a self defence mechanism, as the abuse that Kathy and her friends were subjected to is horrifying. Yes, given all of the facts may not be exact and who would expect Kathy to rememeber everything at such a young age, particularly when she will have repressed alot of the worst memories. It is clear to me she is NOT lying, merely telling her story she she remembers it, the other abused children that have come forward and told a very similar story prove this. I am in utter disbelief that these places were still running in 96 and that her friend 'Liz' was still being tortured only a few years ago!

Anonymous said...

Some idiot on here stated that Kathy must be lying about rhe abuse because she said her father put her hand in boiling oil, and yet her hand is not disfigured. What a flimsy argument! I received third-degree burns to half my hand when I was 13, also from boiling oil (from a cooking accident, not abuse), and yet I don't have so much as a scar.

Anonymous said...

dwkeahwhy is it out of nine children that only one was abused .If this girl was to show the documents that she says she has it would be all over and she would also have her settlement from the redress board you would think that a person in her situation if she produced her evidence and got on with her life she would be better off ?????

Anonymous said...

kathys story is one of which touched me greatly, and to all those people out there who doubt the truth have no right to, as you do not know and therefore cannot make such accusations toward kathy. in my eyes i do not think she is lying at all.
so i would just like to finish by adding in that i believe every word printed on the pages on kathy o'beirnes book, and support her greatly, to go through such pain and torture all her life i respect her for how far she has came after her experiences.

Anonymous said...

People should be ashamed to even have a single doubt about this story. Events like these DO occur and because of these people(like journalists, see page above) denying the truth the victims receive NO justice at all.

Anonymous said...

im 16 years old, not much of a book person. But while i was reading the blurb on 'dont ever tell' i just had to read the book. its such a sad story, and for kathy o'beirne to have experiences like that is awful. how can people say she is lying, i actually cant believe people are accusing her of it.
what proof do these people who are accusing her of lying have...NONE!. so leave her alone, to say that she would lie about somthing like that is horrible. Everyone has their own opinions i know that,
to everyone who is calling her a liar im sorry but she is definatley not lying, read her book, each page should be proof enough.

Anonymous said...

kathy aint lying okay, her book proves that. no one would make that up ok!
its shocking that people think she is lying, that woman was brave and opened up about her life and then people through it back in her face, and tell her she is lying.
i believe her and i feel for her, kathy is a brave woman. people should be praising her, and telling her how brave she is, not accusing her of lying.

Anonymous said...

Appalled, disgusted and sickened. I believe Kathy's story without a shadow of a doubt. As for her family opposing her story, one only needs to read a transcript on "Family Challenges best selling author's story of abuse" 22 Sept 2006, to notice there is no interview with Kathy's brother, Brian, who she acknowledges helped and believed her. Why is this??? It's just too easy to dismiss something when it may offend the mind, and heaven forbid (padon the pun), the damned church!!

Anonymous said...

i think what kathy has said is a disgrace ! as she went in for a lie detecter test sat half of it and failed explain that! how she could acuse her father of what she did ! it was disgracefull !!!

Anonymous said...

This is a disgrace. Kathy is a brave and amazingly strong woman. Just because people cant accept resbonsibility for the horrors she had to go through, they lie to make things easier. I have never been so moved when reading a book and i found it almost unbearable to read of how she was treated when she went for help.

And its not like there arent hundreds of other people who went through this as well.

I personally think you are all cruel, heartless bastards. You are just as bad as all the people she has come across. Just fuck off and let her finally try to put and end to the disgusting way that ireland has forgotten about these children.

Anonymous said...

To argue over whether Kathy's story is 100% true or not just shows your ignorance of the issue. People forget that even the slightest of abuse can severly traumatise a child's fragile mind, and maybe if some of the story is exagerated, it is a result of other troubling experiences.

The fact is that the dark history of the laundries is well acknowledged in Ireland, and Kathy's story, whether entirely accurate or not, has had a huge impact on bringing the issue to attention. The only way that child abuse is ever 'proven' is with a confession or solid evidence, so does that mean every other allegation must be a lie? Of course not, and anyone who thinks they can tell whether Kathy is lieing or not just on their own opinions is ignorant and irrational.

Don't let one book distract from the cause of justice.

Anonymous said...

You think that she was given birth & death certs for the child she had at 13? Do some research. It is a well known fact that religious boarding schools in Ireland (and I am sure other places too, but I have only read about Ireland) would bury children who died at their own hands, or by illnesses they did nothing about in unmarked graves and simply write the parents professing sadness.

BIRTH CERT?? DEATH CERT?? Give me a break.

I cannot say if these allegations are true or not, but some people's reasoning for dismissing them is extremely misinformed.

My own Irish born husband denounced his faith after methods used at his school about hell and damnation. The worst he ever suffered was a large domineering religious zealot rapping his knuckles while screaming in his 7 year old face. He is now just 34.

Unknown said...

To whomever claimed the archives were searched for any record of Kathy having been in a Magdalene Laundry, and none were found. There might be a simple explanation for this.

When I lived in Ireland in 2005-2006 I was sent to work for a company that holds it's office in the old High Park Convent, which was a Magdalene Laundry. This company had bought it after they were forced to sell in 1996. The ladies who worked there told me when they first moved their office to that building that there were still boxes and boxes of files, left in the building. Women's belongings in boxes, childrens toys in one room upstairs and all sorts of other things. They said they "destroyed" all these files, which makes no sense to me as I would have been nosey and read them all.

Also to consider that these people knew they were in trouble and most likely destroyed a lot of files themselves.

The Magdalene Sisters movie was actually filmed in the building I worked in.

I'm not claiming anything she wrote is true, but something to consider.

Anonymous said...

I live in Canada,and there have recently been payouts (eventually) to the hundreds of now adult kids who were horrifically abused at the hands of Catholic priests and nuns who ran the "reform" schools here...many of these victims were unable to obtain their personal records from these institutions because of the "disappearance" of their files due to what the nuns and priests said were due to fires,floods or robbery. Thank God for the many brave souls who witnessed the abuses to come forward...some of which are now respected professionals in various fields as doctors,lawyers and the like. I am in my fifties and my close friend,who was sent to Alfred, Ontario as a youth to an institution because of petty theivery at the age of 14 endured beatings and a rape by the priest and his staff.He has since been compensated financially for the hell the "men of God" put him through....this abuse has left him a broken adult.
So not only in Ireland do the so-called religious "caregivers" of sometimes troubled kids hide the truth of how the children in their charge have been raped and abused in every possible way.AND how the records of those in their "care" mysteriously go missing....
A small note-I am a burn survivour who has full-thickness burns and amputations because of a fire...and Kathy's third-degree burns could fade with time...unlike mine.Let the woman come up with any evidence she can hopefully find...although I doubt that the poor woman was able to obtain any given the fact that worldwide the Church has been uncovered to be a corrupt and self-serving unit when it comes to child abuse...
In closing...the catholic Church has been investigated here in Canada and has been found guilty time and time again of covering up their cruelty to children in it's care.Even if Kathy has ,over the years, recovered somewhat ...why still keep hurting her by saying that she is lying when we all know how children in all countries have been abused by the Church, priests and nuns alike.It is common knowledge now.
It is also common knowledge that in large families where abuse occurs it is usually one of the children who is chosen to be the "whipping" boy/girl...not all of the kids (i.e. David Pelzer)
I wish Kath the best and she is a survivour... as I am.

Anonymous said...

There is no point in debating this sensitive subject, when none of us know the truth,and probably never will.. however whilst reading *Don't ever tell* I kept asking myself the same question "If the extent of Kathy's fathers brutality where true how on god's green earth could any mother stand by and offer so little assistance.. I don't care how terrified she was of her husband, I for one would die for my children and would have murdered the wretch in his sleep after all if the extent of his drinking was true then there would have been many opportunities whilst he lay in one of his drunken stupors" and why would her siblings lie what would they gain from lying? It has also been stated that Kathy has no knowledge of the wherabouts of Annie's grave, but yet in another article it states that to prove the existence of Annie, Kathy took a childhood friend to the burial site.. and when asked why there was no name inscribed on the stone she replied "i never bothered to get it done" It is far from me to say if she has lied or exaggerated the truth, but on the whole the evidence against her is stonger, but either way we have to pity her as she obviously believes these horrors and if we the readers believe or not is quite simply a matter for ourselves, name calling and slandering each other is not helpng anyone.

Anonymous said...

My former lecturer wrote the foreword for this book, and he described to us the visit he paid to Kathy's friend in a mental health institution. It was horrifying and the visit DID take place. Even if she wasn't abused, people have been, including her friend near the end of the book. I cannot understand why she would make that up.


Anonymous said...

I have just finished the book Don't ever tell. Kathy is a very brave woman for having to retell this story time after time. I am a Catholic and feel very saddened that this kind of abuse was allowed to take place. As for the abusers, even though Kathy has kept their identify a secret due to legal reasons, these people know who they are. If they call themselves Catholic's and believe in the faith, God will deal with then after death. Kathy, I hope that justice will happen. Also, it is important to say that not every priest, nun should be cast in the same way. There is nothing wrong with the religion and Kathy has as I understand in the book continued to be a Catholic.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I don't know what to believe anymore. I would actually be glad if Kathy lied, or at least exaggerated, because no one deserves a childhood like this. However, it's also wrong to make things up and call it "a true story"...

The troubling thing for me, that makes me believe the story is inaccurate, is that women, who really was in Magdalene homes, has said Kathy's story is true. Kathy's family maybe wants to defend their father, so that's their reason for saying it's untrue. And of course, the Church could have destroyed their records. But why would former Magdalene sisters say it was untrue, unless it really was untrue?

Anonymous said...

I have read the posts here and judgements from some.
The Catholic Church has "lost" my records kept by the nuns that ran the orphanage I lived in and yes there was a fire, flood and when stored another flood.
There are no records for "us".
Private, hand written notes kept by the nuns have been soaked and dryed out and are unable to read.
Yes the Nuns knew there was abuse occuring. There are many of us now who have found each other however, throughout my life I can tell you, personnaly, no one believed me for fifty years. Now I have the "others" who believe me as they suffered the same abuse.
As for Kathy's father's abuse, my father also abused me , only. His reasoning was that I looked most like my Mother. Sound "nuts"? Well it is and was.
You do not "have" to believe Kathy O'Beirne but think about this , if this happened in Canada, America and Ireland how can anyone doubt that this happened in every country. There are internet sites here in America that you should look at and read all the stories and that should make you a believer, if not perhaps you believe nothing.
I believe Kathy and many of us here in America also believe her.
Well Kathy , if you do read this , you have my support , I believe you and you have my compassion.

Anonymous said...

iv just finishd reading Kathy's book and i believe that every word she said is true. it is absolutely ridiclous thinking she is lying wheras sh isn't. only she knows what she wnt through, all i can say is GOOD LUCK KATHY!!

Anonymous said...

i have just read kathys story i couldnt put the book down i belive every word she says. She needs all the support people can give her and people are calling her a liar thats just wrong she has sufferd enough in her life juts give her a break.

Anonymous said...

My mum was a Magdalen girl. She had a son at fifteen and they just took him away. She had to travel across Ireland to find him, stole him back and moved to Dublin and friends. She faced arrest if she hadn't met my Dad and he asked her to marry him six months later. She said she couldn't marry him as she had a son (this was the fifties!). He said he didn't care how many she had as long as she had some more with him! I know from what she told me of the beatings and the way she and other were treated that I have to believe (whether some licence was taken) that what Kathy wrote probably was true. Mum moved to Englan in the 1950's but when she applied for a passport in the 1970's she had no birth certificate and was finally allowed to use a confirmation certificate to get her passport sorted. Apprently, it was well known as soon as you mentioned being in an orphanage or Magdalen Asylum, the passport office were willing to accept many other documents as they were used to seeing people who had no birth certificates.

Anonymous said...

i am 13 and i read this book it was really upsetting and disturbing i actually cried! i don't think sum1 cud make this up, but if ppl do think kathy made this up,they still shouldn't say it on websites, wot if it is true?
wouldn't u feel guilty for calling her a liar?

Anonymous said...

have just finished reading `Kathy`s book,and felt so sad to think nuns that you could trust could be so cruel to children and adults Kathy you are a very brave person to tell the world what goes on in these places.

Anonymous said...

There is no evidence to prove that god excists, yet people believe without question. there is no evidence to prove that some girl called marywas supposedly a pregnant virgin, yet people were willing to belive her when she said she carried the son of god, even joseph (gullible or what),. there is no evidence to back up all of the supposed horrors that jesus lived through, including the hanging of him on the cross, yet people still choose to believe. who are we to say if she is telling the truth or not. i found the memoir disturbing and horrific, why would someone make this up? And to be honest, even if this particular story was nothing but lies, there are hundreds of other women who suffered the same awful ordeals, are they all lying?And as for those that question why after all he had done, kathy still cared for her father when he was dying, two wrongs do not make a right, inside she was still just a young girl who wanted her father to love her.
nobody forced you to read the book.

Anonymous said...

I have just finished reading Kathys Story and can honestly say that in all my years of reading never before has book reduced me to tears like this one did. I believe every word that was written. In my opinion, for what it is worth, I truly believe that there has been one enormous cover up by the evil powers that be in order to save their own miserable skins - as so often in history has proved to be the case. I for one would very much like to support Kathy in her quest for justice and if there are any likeminded people out there please post any details you have on this site. I will be watching daily for any response.

Patricia Soanes

Anonymous said...

I am reading Kathys book at the moment, and I have to say - I 100% believe her. As many people have mentioned in their comments, why would she have been given documents by doctors, nuns etc? Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion and I am not going to slate anyone who doesn't believe her - I just wanted to let her know that I am 100% behind her in her quest for closure xxxx

Anonymous said...

I have just finished reading Kathys book. I cried all the way through the book. I believe her story 100%. I wish her all the best on finding peace. there are many sories now about such abuse in both church run establishments as well as state run ones. The story of Frances Farmer is one such story of the discusting conditions faced in state run institutions and there are plenty more. I am glad that people are feeling brave enough to tell their stories and we should support these people totally.

Anonymous said...

just learned of kathys new book .. always dancing .. apart from all of her other storys being robbed from other peoples experiences ... she could never have been in a position to foster children as through her own admission she was never well so how would she have been allowed to foster hundreds of children ... and even if her past is true as she says it is who would give her a child to look after never mind the hundreds she is now claiming to have fostered ... this is just the latest line in her selling other peoples sad storys for her own financial gain .... not to mention the heartache and anguish caused to her family and the other people tarnished in her relentless storys of lies .... where do you draw the line between fact and fiction .... do i have to write a story about your family and parents call it fact and publish it world wide

Anonymous said...

I am 15 and have read 'Don't Ever Tell' and I believe Kathy. I have read quite a few child abuse books and a repetitive theme is that children are afraid of what will happen if they let the truth be known. Kathy had the courage to write this book, and yet she is faced with people who dismiss her claims as nothing more than a scam. Unless people actually listen we will forever be stuck in a time when abuse victims are araid to speak out. The Magdalen laundries and the Nuns are well known for being being vicious and cruel. Do you really think that they are going to admit the horrors they have inflicted on so many children? And what of the family? There are always people who don't believe you, and even those who have witnessed it are afraid to admit the truth. If you stood by and let this happen you wouldn't like the media to know it. Obtaining evidence of abuse is considerably difficult. You woud have to get it from the cruel hands which abused you. Do you really think the Church would allow this to happen? Read the book and you will hear a true harrowing account of Kathy's tortured childhood. I wish her all the best. And the best to anyone else who has suffered abuse. God bless x

Anonymous said...

I cried after reading don,t ever tell and have done so for several weeks

Anonymous said...

After just reading don't ever tell wether it be true or not broke my heart, i beleive what happened to little kathy wholeheartidly. Of course there is going to be doubters out there but i will say this. Sufferers of child abuse don't just come forward and declare to all what has happened to them, they hide their abuse from there family to protect not only themselves but also their family.I know... as someone who was abused as a young lad i still have nightmares to this very day. i have spoken out and broke my silence to be told that i like kathy is a liar. People chose not to believe me, and why? because he was such a nice man. I for many years was ashamed of me and am even still. The catholic church to this day is rife with child abusers, we hear stories that kathy attended schools at ages she claims to be in the magdalene laundrys so her story can't be true, how negetive can people be, the doubters seem to be the ones who thankfully were not abused but think for a second , the school she apparently attended was run by the very religion that tormented her tiny body, more than any other organisation in the world the catholic church can cover up what ever they so desire, imagine the outrage that would incur should child abuse ever be discovered in todays society within the houses of god. The church have destroyed her records.. it happens, look at the childrens home in jersey were those skeletons of those unfortunate little souls remained untill discovered just recentley as last month... do you think there is going to be any records of them ever being there? i very much doubt it, those poor children were probably beaten to death and any proof of existance deminished. we live in a sad world and yet we still protect the very people we should be destroying. Honora shame on you i get the distinct feeling you are one of kathys family, WHO ARE YOU PROTECTING or perhaps you are GUILTY as sin. keep fighting kathy... keep fighting

Anonymous said...

i have just read kathy,s book and i believe her 100%why would any one want to make stories up like that she has no reason to lie my heart goes out to her

Anonymous said...

My names Jess and I'm 16.

I have read all of Kathy's book and i believe ever bit of what she has written.

Why would anyone go through her troubles to make such lies? It seems pointless and those that accuse her of making it all up i am sickened that you can say that. My heart goes out to her.

Anonymous said...

I've read both KATHY'S STORY and the expose called KATHY'S REAL STORY... and I believe the expose.

Before the Kathy O'Beirne Fanclub tells me to "shut up", "go away" or "die in a fire, just LISTEN. Kathy O'Beirne is an accomplished storyteller, but look at all the stuff she says happened to her. Look at ALL of it. Abused by an evil father, put in a children's home, raped just before her First Communion, worked nearly to death as an underage penitent in a Magdalene laundry, imprisoned in an asylum with repeated shock treatment, forced to wash dead bodies...?

Does it not occur to you that for ALL of that to have happened to ONE child is a little too much?

Step back from your admiration for an engaging tug-at-the-heartstrings story, and you will realize that it is beyond belief for ALL of this to be true. Now consider the fact that the O'Beirne family has PROOF, in the form of school records, that Kathy was at home and attending school when she claimed to be in the Magdalene laundry!

"Why would she lie?" Well, she wouldn't be the first. Google "Tania Head", who pretended to be a bereaved escapee of the Twin Towers on 9/11. Google "Binjamin Wilkomirski", who pretended to be a concentration camp survivor. There are some very sick people out there who know that claiming "victimhood" gives you power.

Read the other side of the story - KATHY'S REAL STORY by Hermann Kelly - before you make up your minds.

Anonymous said...

Why would she lie? Why would the publishers not do some background checks?

Wouldn't be anything to do with money, I suppose?

JdKell said...

Well I believe her. Why can't all this happen to pne person??? It really is possible, regardless if anyone says it's not. Things can be hidden if they want to be!!
The people (if you can call them that) that ran the laundries of course would deny any knowledge of her. Give the woman a break.

Anonymous said...

Im reading Kathys book at the moment, and something that deep i dont see how people can make that up. documents can be produced to hide the horrific events of the past. I believe every word that was written in that book. No one would go to the trouble that Kathy has went through, court cases, finding evidence of where she was over the years etc .. just for a laugh! The events she has told are absolutely horrific and i cant imagine how someone would be able to cope with all that. so kathy you must be a strong woman... i hope everything works out for you!!

Anonymous said...

I have just finished reading this book and I have to agree with what another person said about these people being the biggest bunch of Paed's around!
I'd also like to say that her father was a piece of crap, a coward and a bully to take out his shortcomings on his family!
But then again, the boys got off easier didn't they, he was probably scared they would turn on him as soon as they got bigger!
What the hell did she nurse him for when he was on his death bed?
I can think of alot of things I would have done and nursing him would not have been one of them.

Anonymous said...

i understand why she nursed her father on his death bed. when you have craved something for so long then you will take any whisper of that offered at any price, just to know what it is that you have missed out on for so long. to crave the love of a parent for so long even five minutes on their death bed is better than never to be love by them at all. like the old saying 'it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'. And for all those who doubt the authenticity of her child's existance then perhaps you should check out the story of the butterbox babies. They didnt have birth or death cetificates either. Technically they never existed and neither did the workhouse they were born in
nor the mothers who alledgedly didnt give birth to them.

Anonymous said...

I have just finished reading 'Don't ever tell'. I also read all the comments made by some other readers. Personally I believe all that has been written and feel that to do otherwise is dangerous. How many people have been abused and have never told anyone precisely for that reason, that they wont be believed? I feel so angry on kathy's behalf and would like to do something to help.
As part of my job i work with children who suffer all categories of abuse and it is not uncommon for one child to be targeted, the same applies with children living with a parent who is an alcoholic, one child becomes the scapegoat. Unless you can imagine what it might be like to be abused/neglected then you really don't have a right to condemn/vilify anyone who is brave enough to stand up and be counted.
I can only imagine what it must feel like to be abused but an exercise you might want to try is as follows: think of as many words you can that you might associate with what it feels like to be abused eg. dirty, angry, hurt, upset, defiled etc there are literally hundreds of words, then think how it would feel to think of yourself in those terms all the time, every day. Now imagine that when you build up the courage to express those feelings you are called ' A LIAR'. Seriously, it is not our place to say it is not true, that is what the perpetrators would say!

Piper said...

I am pretty angry at some of the comments of disbelief here. Especially, Honoura. what a load of tripe. I know that some editors and publishing companies take liberties and there may have been a few little ones taken with this book but honestly, look at the source of doubt. Seven of her siblings? so the others agree then, right? yes. Her father was a monster, and doing that to any child let alone at that age would scar anyone. (i do disagree though with the woman who blames the mum too..she had other kids to raise and probably was afraid and at that time in Ireland could NOT have done it alone) about the records. there may not you know about these places? they hid everything, birth certificates, identification, any link to any life. and ruining a man's reputation? you think kathy was lying about her da? seriously? maybe there were some magdalen laundries that weren't this bad but i have seen the documentary sex in a cold climate and real women interviewed have been scarred for life. kathy suffered her whole life. if one of the things in that book was experienced, it is still horrific. shame on the people who are ready to tear holes in it. it isn't an oprah book club fiasco.
i have read many accounts similar to this in the history of industrial schools, etc. in ireland. sickening how the "HOLY" priests and nuns had gotten away with it all.

Piper said...

to anonymous a few posts up...
who is Hermann Kelly and why did he write a book called Kathy's Real Story? I have no desire to read it, thanks. i don't know how many times people have to be told there were no records kept on a lot of things. and yes i have thought about it and as awful as it sounds and from other women's true accounts of life in Ireland as an orphan, homeless, sent to industrial school, asylum, laundries, what have you. all of these women who speak of abuses can't be lying and there are many many many. so, i suspect you are saying she has taken all of their stories and woven them all into her own? there is another book too about a young girls stuggle (i have to remember the title) these atrocities are so unbelievable, as soon as they come out people want to shoot them down.

Piper said...

I now know who Hermann is and now it is even more a reason to believe her account is tripe. of course she is going to discount all of kathy's story. she wanted the house sold. if a court found her book to be honest enough to give her the parents house...
this hermann looks a lot younger and probably doesn't know a lot of the stuff her sister went through. regardless of the reason she said, you don't just turf your kid out to an industrial school. at that time, if she was raped, and behaved badly, i think that would be reason enough. many girls in magdalen laundries who were raped were sent there. it is kind of like sharia law, punish the victims. it's disgusting and shameful. many innocent kids and young women were incarcerated for nothing.

katie.dro said...

i read this book and i've read a lot of the court case. I believe kathy 100%. She may not have full perception of reality, but having a childhood like that, I don't lame her. One thing I will say is - the content of the book came from somewhere, ppl can't just create things like this. My heart goes out to Kathy. I cannot tell you how much I want to tell her face to face how brave I think she is. God bless you kathy, I hope you have an incredible life. Take my advice, live your life, ignore your family, or anybody that doubts you. katie xx

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone make up a story like that - why does anyone lie, of course it's possible that she has lied about her life. I read Kathy's Story when it was first released and thought it had some inconsistencies. I have since read The Real Story, researched articles and all info I could find. Television interviews as well - let's not forget the Lie Lab program. I don't believe Kathy intended to lie for malicious purposes - what I do believe is she has psychological problems and did what she did for attention. If you read all the posts when her story is mentioned you can see she has certainly got what she wanted.

Anonymous said...

Well, she obviously was in institutions, it doesnt matter what the name. They will pretty much have been similar to the Magdalene nightmares.Having some personal experience with these 'homes' myself they were all quite abusive, the name of each institution is unimportant.

Unknown said...

Has anyone thought that the reasons why Kathy's Descriptions may vary are because she has repressed the horrifying incidents that occurred in the Magdalen laundries?! How can anyone accuse Kathy of being a liar? What evidence is there to prove otherwise? Of course there won’t be records of Kathy's incarceration at the various institutes... why? Because the "church" if that’s what they can be called will have destroyed all evidence to protect their "holy" name. Where is the evidence what a load of codswallop! Where is the evidence of god? so many choose to follow him without evidence and are questioning an innocent woman that has been through hell and back because of a lack of evidence and claims of insanity from her so called family (bar one). Show a bit of compassion why don't you. Kathy I have the utmost respect for you coming forward and telling your story. My heart goes out to you. I wish you every success in the future. Not everyone in this world is nice.

kathyobeirne said...

View the truth about Kathy O'Beirne at You Tube under Kathy's Graveyard

Anonymous said...

This is really, really scary, to see so many people determined not to investigate what actually happened!

To all the Kathy supporters: SHE'S PULLING THE WOOL OVER YOUR EYES. Please be aware that she has already been publicly exposed, and she is taking advantage of your good natures for the sake of money.

From the back of KATHY'S REAL STORY:

"Kathy O'Beirne's book, Kathy's Story (Don't Ever Tell in Britain) alleged that she was abused by her father, experimented upon in a psychiatric hospital, raped by priests and then slammed up in a Magdalene Laundry where she had a baby at 14.

Abused or abuser? Brave truth-teller or a money-grabbing fraudster?

See the evidence, hear from those who knew her as she grew up.
Read of people being bribed to bear false witness while others were threatened."

READ THE EXPOSE. Look at the documents that prove she was at school when she claimed to be in the Magdalen Laundry! See how many mistakes she makes in her story - mistakes that only someone who had not lived that life would make. See how she behaved towards her family and friends - not as a traumatized survivor would behave, but as a ruthless money-grabber would behave.

This is not an "innocent victim". Innocent victims do exist, but she is NOT one of them.

Anonymous said...

I believe kathys story because everytime someone has the courage to write about their experiences the holy joe nuns and priests deny everything god what a surprise and as for her own family maybe if they got their heads out of their arses fuck them some support they are stuck in their ivory tower the father sould have got a severe beating I know what its like coz my mother developed rue arthiritis and my father treated her and me and my sister like shit he never touched my brother coz hes a coward he cared more about his farm animals than his wife and kids of course he went to mass every wkend and was a great man down the pub aint anyone heard of the saying 'pub angel house devil' so I totally believe her

Anonymous said...

Hum, so was she in school until she was 12 or 14? Seems to be in question here.
The fact of the matter is, true or not, the story brings attention to a situation that needs it. I have read Kathy's Story, it is a good read. I do not know if she is lying or not and until I see documents with my own eyes, I will not judge.
I am a survivor of abuse, and I think it needs to be brought into the light more. Young children suffer abuse everyday at the hands of those they trust, and are terrified to speak up. So let her right what she wants, maybe it will give someone who needs courage, the strength to speak up.

Anonymous said...

There is a pattern here. These tedious scumbags who try to rubbish authors brave enough to reveal their abusive childhoods ONLY emerge when said book becomes ultra successful. The naysayers are like sharks or vultures, smelling money. Had Kathy's book been obscure and only sold a handful of copies, these sharks would not be kicking up such a storm. The "journalist" who felt the need to write an entire book "exposing" Kathy is an utter joker. I'd be ashamed of myself if I was him.

Anonymous said...

I have met Kathy o Beirne and for anyone to think that shes is lyin is a discrace,she is a lovely woman and its obvious her family are not going to admit what really happened for all those years.....There's no way she'd ever make some thing that horrific up..I read the book and i have cried for days and to think such a lovely sole had such a hard life and still remain a lady its beyond me.....The woman should be a saint..........Kathy thank you for telling us your story and not been afraid......looking forward to the new wishes............

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Anonymous said...

Someone else mentioned that all the Kathy supporters have the most awful spelling and grammar. Makes one think alright. "Why would she make that up"? For money (350,000 - 400,000 copies sold). Her story is not holding up. School records prove that she was in school when she alleged she was in the laundries, family members have said it's a complete lie, actual inmates who said that her description of the laundry is totally inaccurate, lie detector tests etc etc. There is just too much weight against her story. She's obviously screwed up to make up such a ficticious lie. There are people who have suffered in those horrific laundries and if you were one of them, would you not be seriously angry at someone for making up such a story for monetary gain? Come on now. Use the head here. This is for the tabloid reading public.

Anonymous said...

I fully believe and support the plight of Kathy O'beirne. Iv read this book twice and i totally believe what she has said. Firstly the accounts i so harrowing i find it hard to believe that anyone has the time,and 'brainpower' to make up such stories. Secondly its been found that many of the institutions run by the nunns and priests up and down ireland,were portals for abuse of children, sexual, physical and mental abuse. The power or religion was abused, as it is every day. Its a very sad thing that in a world as advanced as this,a lady,who was so clearly abused,could be questioned,and publicly stoned if you will. Im outraged that she could even be questioned. How can people ask for evidence. Why would the abusers hand over the information to the abused. Its a joke. Cathys letter to her daughter, was so clearly writen from the heart, and as a mother myself, i couldnt imagine the pain she feels everyday. I dont think there is a person on earth that would speak of a death of a child in such a way without it being fact. My tears were falling on to the pages when i read it. Personally i think Kathy is a hero for speaking out. For doing the thing that so many of irelands children have wanted to do for years.

Anonymous said...

Honora of "directly involved" I watched hundreds of papers from a Magdalene laundry burn in a fire outside our building when we took over one as an office. Good luck searching the "records". These were papers of registration, births etc. For some reason my Irish colleagues thought it best to burn them and "not speak ill of the dead".

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CLB25 said...

Charlotte, England
I have just finished reading this book and I cant beleive that people are second guessing this ladies life. Nobody knows the truth but her and those people involved. We can all have our opinions but nobod has the right to slate this lady. I have totally beleive her, if she was not telling the truth it would of never been allowed to be published. We all hear the stories in the news and papers about abuse behind closed doors and maybe these nuns and priests and others that have said to know her are calling her a liar because of thier own guilty minds!! Say for example she is not telling the whole truth. . . the point is that this stuff is going on and has been going on and nobody seems to be doing a single thing about it!!! Good luck in your life Kathy all the best take care of number one and ignore all others.

CLB25 said...

Charlotte, England
I have just finished reading this book and I cant beleive that people are second guessing this ladies life. Nobody knows the truth but her and those people involved. We can all have our opinions but nobod has the right to slate this lady. I have totally beleive her, if she was not telling the truth it would of never been allowed to be published. We all hear the stories in the news and papers about abuse behind closed doors and maybe these nuns and priests and others that have said to know her are calling her a liar because of thier own guilty minds!! Say for example she is not telling the whole truth. . . the point is that this stuff is going on and has been going on and nobody seems to be doing a single thing about it!!! Good luck in your life Kathy all the best take care of number one and ignore all others.

FaerieKitteh said...

There is no evidence on the contrary, if this did or did not take abuse.

If her story is right, her father may have paid for the school to keep false records. Her sisters (who were born after she was put through), may have been brought up to known differently.

There is mental abuse, and that can be lying to change what a person knows.

I believe that Kathy did go through this.

There is a lot that I can point out that is wrong with the accusations.

Anonymous said...

I have just finished reading "Kathys Story"
I shed many tears trying to finish this book...
Kathy you are an amazing person and an inspiration to those all over the world who have and contine to be abused in all sorts of ways...
For those who have been abused can relate in one way or another especially with blocking memories out only to have to relive them later in life...
I wish only that you can come to peace with yourself ...My heart goes out to you..

Anonymous said...

I have just finished the book, and googled this lady, came across this and thought id read it.
Several comments have been made stating that she is a liar etc whilst others back up her story.
Im going to sit on the fence, because, a) why has it taken her family so long to dispute these claims and b) if Kathy has got documentation ( as she states in the latter part of her book) why not produce it to shut up all those non believers?
My mum was abused as a teenager by her own family and i have seen the devastation it causes, and for someone to lie abut being sexualy abused is the ultimate sick, so i think ms O'beirne owes it to her doubters to prove that this sick abuse happened.

Anonymous said...

Valerie. G.
Kathy I do hope you are continually able to heal after all your horrific experiences. Your story sickened and saddened me.
Knowing that some of us out here care, hopefully will make a difference. It appalls and saddens me to think that all this took place in the not so distance years. I still believe it is still happening today, as I know of ministers of the gospel still taking advantage of the postion and power over young believers. Makes one feel totally sick.
All the best for healing in your latter years.

Beckieey said...

im near the end of dont ever tell and i believe her, i think shes soo brave and amazing because even though she went through so much shes actually writen a book on what happend to her? and then people turn around and call her a lier but does nobody realise how hard it would have been for her to write all that? to tell everybody everything that ever happend to her tbh' f*** the people that dont believe because clearly they aint important, i feel sorry for what kathy went through and think shes a really brave women x

Miss Sh0rty said...

Everyone knows that what happened in those laundries is the truth, Jesus its not the first time we have heard this story. We also know that institutions have a very nasty habbit of doing all they can to cover up abuse. Kathy's family may want to deny all that happened to cover up the shame that even as they grew up none of them had the decencey to help her. They are all guilty and know just how bad this is making them look so of course they will deny it. As a survivor of abuse I can tell you now that there is ALWAYS someone trying to shut you up. I wonder about the people who write the rubbish in these blogs and forums and exactly who their connections are. I have to question the integrity of anyone going to such lengths to slur the name and story of an abuse victim.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell are we to judge this women. has anyone actually thought that the family will denie the accusations against them! no family is going to go to a press conference and admit to the abuse and tourture that i 100% believe Cathy suffered. instead of trying to pick holes in her story why not support her in what she has been through!! just becausea sibling said that she was living with them when the worst of the abuse happened but its probably just a date mix up! there is really only a few people who know what happened to Cathy and that is not any of us!!

Walter McCarthy Class of 1965 said...

It was said by my paternal grandmother, Margaret Elizabeth (Quinn) McCarthy, that "we..." meaning herself, my father, my aunt Mary and her oldest daughter Elizabeth who passed at age 16, "and not from influenza" grandmother made a "note" of. That Elizabeth's passing was in 1918. 1918, being the year of the global influenza pandemic,“To this day, nobody knows the precise death count globally,” said Mütter Museum director Robert Hicks. “It could be 100 million, could be 50 million, or somewhere in between.”
Mütter Museum maps the spread of Philly’s 1918 flu . I was born July, 1946 and I am the oldest of 5 sons. My paternal Grandmother said that our ancestry is in O'Beirne ancestry. adding also in a particular case of violent physical abuse upon me by my father in 1953 when I was beginning my 6th year, abuse of which I have almost succumbed from denial and cover up many times since. My father's had a good lawyer, charges were dismissed. My grand-mother said " Some day, perhaps I will be able to understand the reasons for dismissal and it will be bad luck when and if I do. I have had more than my share of trouble in my lifetime now as I am beginning my 73rd year and write from my remembrance, it is bad luck.

Anonymous said...

I believe what Kathy has written. The Church has a long history of misogyny and abuse. It's also not known for keeping accurate records, why would they? They are too busy playing God and politics. Why people join a church where you're required to be celibate speaks to something organically being wrong with them. Many of these "God's" people are sadistic sociopaths who hide their cruelty behind their claims that they "were called."
The same thing has happened in the Indian Residential Schools, in Spain, etc.
Records if even kept, can be lost or destroyed. Nuns who can't pronounce or like a child's name frequently just change them without the parents knowledge or consent.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100% Catholics are Christians. The Church have always held power just like monarchies and other institutions so when someone has had the courage to come forward they are always the ones disbelieved and retraumatized.

Anonymous said...